
Saturday 3 October 2015

Healthy Foods for Weight Loss: Low-carb diet

Welcome to my weight loss tips series here on how to lose weight HT. This post talks about Carbohydrates, and how taking the right kinds, can help your quest for weight loss.

Carbohydrates and Weight Loss:

Carbohydrates are essential for a well-balanced diet and healthy body. They provide the only fuel source for many vital body organs, including our brains, central nervous system and kidneys.

The digestive system breaks down carbohydrates into glucose and the pancreas secretes a hormone called insulin to help the glucose move from the blood into the cells.

If you choose to follow a low-carb diet, do not avoid carbohydrates completely. Carbohydrates are needed to provide energy and to metabolise fat.

Choose carbohydrate foods that are unrefined or unprocessed, including wholegrains and fruit, rather than the more refined and energy-dense forms such as cakes, sweets and soft drinks. Have a variety of vegetables daily.

Whether you are overweight or obese, following a low-carb diet will greatly help you lose weight in the long run. Below are some great low-carb foods you should incorporate into your diet (daily, if possible);

We can reap the health benefits of good carbs by choosing carbohydrates full of fiber. These carbohydrates get absorbed slowly into our systems, avoiding spikes in blood sugar levels. Examples are; Whole grains, vegetables, fruits and beans.

  • Zucchini (a.k.a Courgette):

Zucchini squash (Courgette) is one of the most popular summer squashes in Europe and the Americas. It is a vegetable with smooth skin, tender, crunchy fresh with small edible seeds and high moisture content.

Zucchini is one of the very low calorie vegetables; providing only 17 calories per 100g.
It contains no saturated fats or cholesterol.

Its peel (exterior), is a great source of dietary fiber that helps reduce constipation and offers some protection against colon cancers.

They have an anti-oxidant value (Oxygen radical absorbance capacity - ORAC) of 180 Trolex Equivalents (TE) per 100g. It is one of the commonest vegetables included in weight reduction and cholesterol control programs by dieticians.

Fresh and tender Zucchini can be eaten raw in salads.

The pods can be fried, baked, steamed, boiled, or employed in stuffing.

Small choppings or gratings of it can be stuffed between bread or pizza.

It mixes well with potatoes, carrots, asparagus, green beans, etc., in stews, sabzi and curries.

  • Swiss Chard:

Swiss Chard is also known as Spinach-chard or Silverbeet. It is one of the most popular green leafy vegetables of European origin.

Chard leaves are an excellent source of antioxidant vitamin (vitamin-C). It helps remove free radicals and reactive oxygen species from the human body through its reduction potential properties.

Regular inclusion of Chard in diets has been found to prevent Osteoporosis, iron-deficiency anemia, and vitamin A deficiency; and believed to protect from cardio-vascular diseases, obesity and more.

Fresh young Chard leaves can be used raw in salads.

Mature chard leaves and stalks are usually cooked, braised or sautéed; the bitter flavor fades with heat (cooking). Note that anti-oxidant benefits of this vegetable will diminish significantly as it steams, fries or is boiled for a long time.

Silverbeet pie, with pistachio, raisins, cheese stuffing (filling) is a favourite Italian and Mediterranean delight.

  • Cherry Tomatoes:

Cherry tomato, or quite simply, tomato, is a pulpy nutritious fruit commonly eaten as a vegetable.

Tomatoes are one of the low-calorie vegetables; hold just 18 calories per 100g. They are also very low in fat contents and have zero cholesterol levels.

They are also a great source of antioxidants, dietary fibre, minerals and vitamins. Because of these qualities, dieticians and nutritionists often recommend them in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction diet programs.

Tomato is used extensively in different types of meals across the world. All kinds of tomatoes, including cherry, are one of the most commonly featured ingredients in Salad preparations worldwide.

Fresh tomato juice and soup, are popular health-drinks served as appetizers.

Delicious Spanish cold tomato and cucumber soup, gazpacho, is a popular Andalusian preparation.

Ripe or Unripe tomatoes can be used in similar ways like other raw vegetables, to prepare in curries, stews and to make ‘chutney’ in some of the Indian States.

  • Cauliflower:

Cauliflower is also known as Cabbage flower. It is packed with essential nutrients.

Cauliflowers are compact and have an array of health benefits. They contain phyto-nutrients such as vitamins, indole-3-carbinol, sulforaphane,... These help prevent overweight, diabetes and offer protection from prostate, ovarian and cervical cancers.

They are very low in calories. Providing only 26 calories in every 100g; they also contain dietary fiber that is good for your digestion.

Cauliflower can be mixed with vegetables, lentils and meat.

Its florets are added in pasta bake, casseroles and to make curry/soup.

  • Celery:

Celery is one of the popular Mediterranean herbs recognized for its strong aromatic flavor that it imparts to different cuisines.

Celery is one of the very low calorie herbal plants. Its leaves contain 16 calories per 100g weight and has lots of non-soluble fiber (roughage) which when combined with other weight loss regimens may help reduce body weight, and blood cholesterol.

Celery leaf, root, and stalks can be used in salads and stews.

The herb is used as is used as a garnish in a variety of recipes. It blends well with other complementing vegetables like potato, carrot, beans and poultry.

The fresh leafs are used to prepare soups and sauces.

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